Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fair Warning to Be Careful With Recipe Searches

Our mom makes this absolutely delectable dessert called Candy Bar Cake. Needing a dessert for a gathering last night I googled "Candy Bar Cake recipe." None of the images that came up resembled what I was looking for, so I continued to allrecipes to do an ingredient search. I plugged in all the ingredients I could remember, devils food cake mix, sweetened condensed milk, toffee bars, caramel. And I was appalled at what I found. Let's just say to keep our blog at the desired G rating, I will not be telling you what the "s" stands for in "Better Than S-- Cake II." In-a-ppro-pri-ate is all I have to say. I should have just called my mom for the recipe

variation from recipe: while cake is still warm, poke holes with the dowel of a wooden spoon

I followed the suggestion to use twice the caramel and condensed milk in the recipe

topped with whipped topping and crushed milk chocolate toffee bars

The cake turned out delicious. It sat in the fridge for 24 hours soaked generously in caramel and sweetened condensed milk. It didn't survive long in the pan.

{CONFESSION: Okay, I knew what this cake was called the whole time. Our mouths would water when Mom would bring Candy Bar Cake to the table after Sunday dinner. Enough time since the last time we ate it would have passed that someone would say, "Isn't this really called Better Than Something cake?" censoring it for my little brother at the table as we all snickered a little. One time my brother piped up, probably eight or nine at the time and said, "I know what it's really called! Better Than Sugar Cake!" It was so cute. The name stuck. He's 16 now. Hope he doesn't kill me for telling this story. Love you little brother.}

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