Sunday, March 17, 2013

Handy Car Paper (H.C.P.)

Handy  Car Paper
Recently my husband and I took a 40 hour car trip. I was put in charge of packing the car with supplies for our comfort. If I get a big response to this post, I can provide you with a list of all the things I put in our car. When faced with the decision of what to do for those little sneezes and runny noses that sometimes occur, I was perplexed. 
I don't know about you, but I did not want to spend that $2.53 on a box of kleenex! (We've got a turtle to feed.) Nor did I want to try and find a spot for that awkward shaped cardboard box! (We needed AMRAP <as much room as possible> for our trail mix and snap peas!) 
I thought over this dilemma for a good 48 seconds, when I really only had 47 to spare. (To read how I manage my time, click here.) Then, it hit me. I could use a common household item to solve my money and space issues! I ran to our storage closet and pulled out some toilet paper.  It wasn't Charmin, because my husband works at Walgreens and he had bought a different kind of toilet paper that was a better deal, but I'm sure that Charmin would have the same results.
What were the results?? Complete bliss for all of our nose needs. The "handy car paper" or H.C.P. as I like to call it, could squish so easily in between our gear shift and radio panel. Note that I did say squish. I had to put some effort into getting it in that spot. The nice thing was that as soon as I got it in there, it stayed put! As you can guess, when we used it, it got smaller in circumference, so it didn't fit there as snug, but we were okay with that. If it bothers you, you can try putting it other places once it gets to that point, like the jockey box, or the side pocket door, or under your seat! 
Next time you take a road trip, pack some H.C.P.! Words cannot express the accomplishment you feel when you can satisfy your loved one's car sniffles.

1 comment:

  1. On behalf of myself and other working jockeys, I would like to request that you refrain from using the antiquated term "jockey box" and instead use the modern "glove box." Despite the fact that we jockeys are small in stature, we bristle at the idea that we would fit in a vehicle compartment made for storing maintenance records, back-up sunglasses and extra napkins from your last drive-thru milkshake purchase.

    That aside, I really appreciated your post. Being around horses, hay and grass day in, day out makes for some astronomical spending on Kleenex! I am definitely switching to toilet paper from now on!
