Wednesday, June 24, 2015

DIY: Diaper Genie

We recently had 2 sweet new babies join our threethister clan... and with new babies comes a lot of expenses. 

Here at threethisters, we are bound and determined to figure out ways to save money in quality ways! I just had to share one of my latest genius ideas. Creating my own
After reading, go ahead and share share share!

Definition of diaper genie (as defined by Mr. Wikipedia):
"A creation of entrepreneur John Hall, is a baby diaper disposal system....The system....protect against germs and opening the lid...a soiled diaper may be inserted into..the container...after the container is filled with dirty diapers, it can be emptied...diapers fall out."

And now, meeting the defined expectations, 

The Threethister Diaper Genie:
A creation of entrepreneur threethisters [when in possession of many diaper boxes]...

 a baby diaper disposal system...[use empty box and place in a convenient spot]

The system....protects against germs and odors...[simply shut the lids!]


AFTER! ------> opening the lid...a soiled diaper may be inserted into..the container...after the container is filled with dirty diapers, it can be emptied...diapers fall out.

[not pictured: me, emptying the collected diapers into the garbage can, straight from the box.]

If you're anything like me... you may want to jazz up your diaper genie to give it that special touch. 

I used a post it note and a sharpie. 


Have fun creating your own diaper genie!

Three Thister Thournament
Post your DG creation in our comments section. The 234th picture posted will receive an empty diaper box to create a second DG for another room!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to: Get Out of Going to See Jurassic World With Your Husband

Do you:

A. Love your husband?
B. Hate Scary Movies? (i.e., Jurassic World)

If you answered yes to the above questions, this guide is for you. (If you answered no to the first question, click here).

I love my husband. I love going to the movies with him. I don't like scary-dinosaur-theater-is-shaking-big-teeth-I-think-I'm-going-to-wet-my-pants-can-I-open-my-eyes-yet movies.

Ever since my husband saw the trailer for the new Jurassic Park movie, he has been excited. I have been terrified. Even the previews gave me the willies.

So, how do you get out of going to see the movie without hurting his feelings? Follow the steps below and you will should have success in avoiding the movie and also avoiding hurting feelings. (Note: while this method hasn't been tried on any other movies besides 'Jurassic World,' it can be assumed that the outcome would be the same.)

Step 1: Have a baby shortly before the movie comes to theaters.

Step 2: Have your little brother invite your husband to a late showing of 'Jurassic World.'

Step 3: Tell him that he can go (act disappointed that you won't be attending to avoid him thinking you don't want to go), you will stay with the baby.

Step 4: Enjoy not being scared to death of man-eating-monsters.